#2016AACC Plenary session: Halving Premature Death

Cutting the number of global premature deaths in half is within our reach. Sir Richard Peto, FRS, explains how this global goal can be achieved.


Sir Richard Peto is an epidemiologist of world stature who has made important contributions to meta-analysis and who has led a number of practice-changing clinical trials.

Sir Richard Peto gave an overview of the important causes of death in different parts of the world, highlighting the effects of preventable causes of death, such as tobacco and alcohol. He and his colleagues have been responsible for demonstrating the current and the future size of the growing worldwide epidemic of death from tobacco and for establishing a worldwide network of large prospective and retrospective studies to monitor the growth of this epidemic over the next few decades. Sir Richard will explain his vision that with global efforts, halving premature death should be an achievable goal.

Read the CLN Daily Article: A Bold Vision for Reducing Premature Death

Source: AACC