Interview with Dr. David Grenache: How are laboratories in the USA dealing with the pandemic?


David G. Grenache, PhD, DABCC, MT(ASCP), FAACC, has been elected to serve on the AACC Board of Directors as president-elect starting in January 2019.

Dr. Grenache is the chief scientific officer and medical director of the chemistry, immunology, and esoteric analytic chemistry labs at TriCore Reference Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is also a clinical professor of pathology at the University of New Mexico. An AACC member since 1994, Dr. Grenache has been actively engaged in association leadership for many years. He currently serves on the board of editors for AACC’s The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, AACC Policy & External Affairs Committee, and as an ex officio member of the association’s Education Core Committee. He also previously held the position of AACC secretary from 2014-2016, chaired the 2018 organizing committee for the AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo, and helped create the framework for AACC’s Society for Young Clinical Laboratorians while also serving as its first chair.