MLO Junio 2018

Medical Laboratory Observer. June 2018, Vol 50 N° 6



  • Turn on, tune in, be careful. Editorial
  • The Observatory.
  • Clinical, operational, and financial perspectives of POC diabetes testing. Continuing Education
  • Preanalytical errors and critical variables in POCT. Education
  • Genomic markers for cancer. Special Feature
  • When does it make sense to build your own test? Management Matters
  • Noise pollution and the lab environment. Special Report
  • What’s the buzz in rapid testing? Future Buzz
  • Legal liability in urine drug testing: Could your lab be exposed? Clinical Issues
  • SHBG and FAI are valuable tools in the diagnosis of… Clinical Issues
  • Field-portable MDx. The Primer
  • Readers respond: A perspective about the rarity of biotin interference and… Letters to the Editor
  • Cost management tips to offset reimbursement cuts. Lab Management
  • June 2018 Product Focus: Analyzers. Product Focus
  • American Board of Bioanalysis provides certification for clinical and public health… Executive Snapshot

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